5G Technology on Collision Course With Aviation ?

It all started with the launch of the 5G cell phone service in the United States on 19 January 2022. Despite years of lead time, things hadn’t moved the way they should have been. A feud broke out between telecommunication companies and the aviation industry over the issue of interference from high-speed wireless services with aircraft operations. The dispute between the two industries have disrupted flights in and out of the United States. Air India was among the many world airlines that had to cancel their flights to the USA.

My take on the whole issue of 5G vs Aviation at India’s leading ‘Think-Tank’ organisation ‘Chanakya Forum’:

23 responses to “5G Technology on Collision Course With Aviation ?”

  1. This is news to me and shall be an interesting read, of that I am sure.


    1. Thank you so much, ST.


  2. Your posts are always so informative, interesting, and helpful. Thank you… 🙂


    1. Thank you so much. You are very kind.


  3. It will be interesting to see how this all washes out! 😉


    1. Indeed. Thank you so much for stopping by.


  4. Parshat Yitro — within the annual Torah reading of the Torah. The most basic question, or First question applicable to all Torah and T’NaCH characters of Aggadic mussar (((Something like characters in the famous books of modern novels Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew, and Leo Tolstoy’s long novel: War & Peace: Prince Bolkonski Andrew, Mademoiselle Bourienne, Count Ilya Rostov etc. etc. etc.)))).

    What qualifies as the dominant Yatzir which stirs the hearts of all T’NaCH mussar characters to keep and obey Torah commandments and Prophetic mitzvot? The Yatzir Ha’Rah: understood as doing mitzvot לא לשמה; or the Yatzir Ha’Tov: understood as doing mitzvot לשמה. This most basic and fundamental question defines the Mitzva known as “Acceptance of the Yoke of Heaven; the mitzva of Kre’a Shma: Hear Israel HaShem our Judge HaShem is One.

    This one mitzvah defines the k’vanna of all תרי”ג Commandments (613 mitzvot). For example: When Sarah commanded Hagar, her slave, to serve as a surrogate\substitute mother/ to birth the children of Avraham … with which Yatzir did Hagar obey her mistress Sarah? Answer: Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, obeyed the commandment of Sarah לא לשמה: with her Yatzir Ha’Rah\Evil Inclination.

    Contrast Moshe, who obeyed the command by HaShem, for him to go down to Egypt and take Israel out of slavery. He obeyed this commandment לשמה, with his Yatzir Ha’Tov\Good Inclination. All T’NaCH mussar characters within this Jewish novel, whose plot in simplicity designates them as either righteous or wicked. All these T’NaCH mussar characters express and serve the simple story plot that separates Good from Evil; which bases itself upon this most simple distinction. The distinction which separates the heroes from the villains — in all the T’NaCH mussar stories whose characters depict the distinction between righteous vs. wicked.

    A fundamental error made by church authorities throughout history, they read their bibles based upon the assumption that these biblical characters physically existed as real historical personalities. The mussar question of substance, which equally applies across the board to all T’NaCH novel characters, fictional aggadic personalities: which Yatzir dominates the heart of bnai brit man when he strives to keep and do Torah prophetic commandments? This most basic question, church theology, doctrine, dogma and creeds never ever, not even once, asks.

    The T’NaCH as an ancient novel series of stories never makes any reference to Palestine. The modern parlance ‘Palestinian people’ – how much more so. Post WWI propaganda attempts to refer to historical people, first the Jews who lived within Mandate British Palestine, and later the Arabs who Yasser Arafat called Palestinians, as ‘historical’ peoples. The post WWI British empire labeled their Middle Eastern division of the spoils of Ottoman Greater Syria as — “Palestine”. That same territory renamed unto Israel, in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion — the first Prime Minister of the modern State of Israel. Not till late 1963, early ’64 did Yasser Arafat attempt to foist the name Palestine – as the name of his terrorist organization – which he dubbed, the Palestine Liberation Army.

    As stated above, during the entire post WWI period, the British & French imperialist carving up of Ottoman Greater Syria (the name which the Ottoman Empire labeled the lands of Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, and Iraq), wherein France took as its post WWI spoils of victory, the territories of Lebanon and Syria – of Ottoman Greater Syria; while England awarded itself, by means of the recently established League of Nations, the Greater Syrian territories of Israel, Jordan, and Iraq. — All this part of Ottoman Greater Syria, the League of Nations Ventriloquist Doll Dummy labeled as part of “the British Palestine Mandate”.

    Obviously the post WWI Arabs living in Ottoman Greater Syria would never refer to themselves by the name of European imperialism —- Palestine —- Because this “British Mandate”, based itself upon the Balfour Declaration, cut in 1917. In this famous treaty, Britain agreed to accept as an obligation to temporarily rule the League British mandate territories: to honor the terms and conditions to establish a Jewish Home in the Middle East.

    For Arabs share cropping populations, who lived within the pre-WWI Ottoman Turkish Greater Syria – Muslims NOT Arabs – (1) Only Ottoman Turks could own land within the Ottoman empire. (2) Arab share croppers, post WWI, would NEVER consent, much less willingly accept any British European reference: which attempted to describe Arabs as Palestinians”.

    The British Palestine, whereby the League of Nations based awarding Ottoman Greater Syria lands as victory spoils of war, unto the British — based strictly and solely upon terms established and specified within the Balfour Treaty; Arabs in the Middle East cannot even pronounce the letter P as in Balestine. All Arabs across the Middle East rejected the British Palestine Mandate established in 1920, which based itself upon the Balfour Declaration of 1917. But Britain won the Great War, and Arab objections which rejected European rule over former Ottoman lands, the Allies and the League of Nations totally ignored. How much more strenuously did all Arab countries and peoples actively reject the name of British Palestine after Britain returned the mandate back to the United Nations in 1947.

    Following the Declaration of Independence by the newly born nation of Israel in 1948, the British mandate name of Palestine ceased to exist. Attempts to convert novel fictional characters into historical persons or histories — utterly and totally absurd, war time propaganda. On par with the classic and most famous example of war time propaganda: the Roman inspired counterfeit religion that preaches — the historical man messiah — JeZeus son of Mary.


    1. Thank you for stopping by.


      1. The propaganda which floods the Main stream media press, it loves to foist the lie that stateless Arab refugees once ruled the mythical land of Palestine. Comparable to the French frogs of Paris who foist the lie that France defeated the Nazis in WWII. The EU and Jimmy Carter love the metaphor that Israel has imposed abaasskap Apartheid upon the Arabs, whose lands Israel illegally occupies. Why this charade? Follow the money. The Great Powers view a dominant Israel as a direct threat to their sphere of Influence in the Middle East and North Africa. Great Power propaganda condemns Israel as guilty of establishing bantustans ghettos whereby the Israelis exploit Arab refugee labor on par to how S. Africa racially classified its black Untermensch populations. As if Israel following the Shoah had replace Hitler! The gross stupidity of this vile comparison, it measures up with the Xtian belief that 40 days following the revelation of the Name of HaShem @ Sinai, that Israel worshiped a golden calf named אלהים, “who took them out of Egypt”.

        Israel fought 10 Islamic nations to truly gain independencehttps://www.youtube.com › watch › v=tIgjU0Pri14

        Tarek Fatah correctly points out that the original Palestine Mandate, which the recently post WWI established League of Nations “awarded” to Britain, likewise included the lands of Trans-Jordan. What he fails to mention, the original Palestine Mandate likewise included the land which comprises present day Iraq and Kuwait!

        Saddam justified the invasion of Kuwait based upon this fact – that Kuwait, originally part of the territory of Iraq … as Pakistan – originally part of India. Tarek Fatah claims that the Jews in 1948 confronted 10 Arab armies. Perhaps, but these Arabs “serfs”, the Great Powers dominated and ruled these non Independent Arab lands as the Ottoman empire fell into chaos and decay. By the 19th Century, the European powers referred to the Ottoman empire by the term of contempt: “The Sick Man of Europe”.

        The Ottoman empire in the 19th Century, its status as a world power compares to the 2nd tier status which England and France, Germany how much more so … following the Second World War. These Arab “countries” existed as subject populations on par with the Jews in British Palestine! Britain artificially created and established the borders of Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait. British interests deprive Iraq of possessing a descent deep water port! It purposely unilaterally chopped of Kuwait from Iraq like it created Trans-Jordan.

        The Cheney\Bush illegal invasion of Iraq to restore Kuwait independence has everything to due with Great Power politics whereby the imperialist nations determine the borders of countries across the Middle East. Herein explains the interests of the Great Power “Two State Solution” in the name of Peace. Carving up the Jewish state and Capital City into two hostile states promises “Peace”, like declaring a Golden Calf took Israel out of Egypt. How come the Xtian church foists this complete and utter narishkeit for 2000+ years? Church interests center upon name of JeZeus. The Poop of Rome combined with the “opposing” Protestantism pastors, they have no interest to worship the Name of HaShem as revealed in the opening Commandment of Sinai. Xtianity, like Islam, and all Goyim religions – one and all worship other Gods.


      2. Get thee behind me, Satan!


      3. Jewish T’NaCH and Talmudic scholarship prizes חדושים. Rote learning merits about as much respect as a five year old who still wets his pants.

        All the classic Reshonim commentaries to the Talmud emphasize in their Title commentaries this key concept of Jewish respect and awe – חדושים. Something like the early Bolsheviks did not really respect Stalin as a political leader, till he, at least so he claimed, originated the political theory of ‘Socialism in One Country’. This socialist ‘political science’, challenged the, so to speak, first born heir of Lenin, Troskii – author of “the Permanent Revolution”; that once the Socialist revolution erupted in one country that it would “infect” the surrounding countries as well. The Corona virus serves as a Prime example of Troskii’s political theory.

        After Rav Ashi and Rav Ravina sealed the Shas Bavli, based upon the precedent that Ezra and the Men of the Great Assembly sealed the T’NaCH, followed by Rabbi Yechudah Ha’Nasi who sealed his 6 Orders of the Mishna (Sha’s), all Talmudic scholarship their after searched to understand the depths of the Talmud. The Gaonim scholars merit admiration and praise for their excellent works which produce the great Midrashim compilations. Yes perhaps a very early Reshon compiled the ילקוט שמיוני, but its roots sink right into the fertile soil of Gaonim scholarship.

        As mentioned previously, Rav Nemuraskii introduced me to original sh’itta of learning that none of my peers in any Yeshiva across Israel learned. Learning through the discipline of this novel sh’itta, it gave me a trump card over all other rabbis and talmidim across Israel. Rabbi Shalom Elyashiv, clearly based upon Rav Nemuraskii’s recommendation, chose me to clean his shul prior to Shabbot and Yom Tov. He had all the Yeshivot bochorim in Yerushalem to chose from; something akin to the King choosing a wife, as told in the Book of Esther.

        Traditionally the best learner in a Yeshiva, the Rosh Yashiva would request that he clean the beit knesset prior to Shabbot. For some 7 years, till my marriage, had the great honor to clean the beit knesset of Rabbi Elyashiv. This brought me into contact with the sons and grandchildren of the great Posek Ha’Dor. Moshe and Benyomin Elyashiv danced at my wedding.

        The חדוש sh’itta of learning, immediately advanced me to a position of eye to eye with all rabbinic authorities. Rabbi Nemuraskii favored learning the Talmud with Midrashic sources – based upon the פרדס logic format explanation of the Oral Torah revealed to Moshe the prophet @ Horev. This permitted me the ability to, so to speak, spin circles around all my peers and rabbinic authorities whomever and whenever they crossed my path. How could an assimilated socialist Yid from Texas, who came to Israel totally illiterate in Hebrew, master all T’NaCH, Talmud, Midrashim and Siddur in only a few years?! Naturally this possibility did not exactly please all my rabbinic peers.

        Rav Nemuraskii felt that had he not served to fight in the 1948 War of Independence, that he could have become a ‘great Rav’. His death brings tears to my eyes some 22 years after his passing. Rav Nemuraskii, he permanently changed the course of my life destiny. I love Aaron Nemuraskii, hands down the most influential person in my life, except for Karen my wife, and HaDas my blaggart(not blaggard) only daughter.

        Rav Nemuraskii repeatedly said: טוב מיעט ממיעט טוב\better a little well that a lot not so well. In my life, the sh’itta of learning which Rav Nemuraskii introduced me to, defines the word חדוש\original. Remember sitting together with him in the back of the beit midrash, while some ‘great’ Rav gave over a shiur of learning. Rav Nemuraskii immediately recognized any outside source precedent which that ‘great’ Rav introduced to strengthen his argument. We sat in the back, and no one paid us any mind. Rav Nemuraskii painted houses for a living, many of his peers in Jerusalem they did not know of his tremendous grasp on all Talmudic and T’NaCH subjects. He quietly lived his life as a no-body, wrote no famous commentaries, but taught ‘fear of heaven’ to his talmidim. ‘Fear of heaven’, the knowledge that the Yatzir Ha’Rah cause destroy the Good Name and reputation of a man in the blink of an eye. Never had a son, but perhaps should HaDas birth a boy, maybe she would name the child Aaron in the honor of my Rav.

        The next sh’lov\מדרגה/level of Torah scholars, the Reshonim followed after the Gaonim schools fell into decay. Most Yeshiva talmidim, they study the חדושי הרמב”ן חדושי הרשב”א etc etc. The Ramban’s Talmudic commentary, to cryptic and terse for me. The Walls had begun to fall in upon Western European Jewry. Far prefer his מלחמת השם, written at about the age of 18 years. Moshe ben Nachman 1194–1270, lived during the disaster of the burning of all the Talmuds in Paris. He, like Ezra and Rambam came from assimilated Spain. Assimilation – the first face of avodah zarah and the basis for the term t’shuvah.

        Early in the 1990s the baali t’shuva movement had awaken in Israel, like the flower children of the anti Vietnam Hippies. Found it quite humorous that Yidden, they don’t understand the Torah basis of that mitza. What mitzva serves as the יסוד upon which stands t’shuvah or חדושים — learn?

        When encountering a Yeshiva student, often would ask them, ‘from what mitzv does the Torah define the term חדוש? Never met a student or rabbi who ever gave me a clear answer. It so reminded me of my youth in Dallas, and my job of peddling kitchen wares which filled the trunk of my car. Direct sales, very difficult, at least in my experience. My boss would hold pep rallies before sending us off to sale our goods. We could challenge one another. This motivational risk appealed to me. Over and again, challenged my peers to a sales contest, and lost every time. “Pie in the sky, Pie in your eye”, my peers would yell and laugh, as my competitor smashed a cream pie into my face, at the end of a long day without any sales.

        Repeatedly asked Yeshiva Bochurim, over and again for years, “do you have a חדוש in learning? There standard response: there are many חדושים. To which I responded, but I only asked for one. Invariably, the only answer ever given – silence. Why?

        What makes חדושים so completely out of touch with Yeshiva students who learn all day in Yeshivot across Israel? Alas most Yeshiva students learn with a טפש פשט dogmatism. No rabbi ever instructed them that they have an obligation … to learn mitzvot from other mitzvot. This places them on par with Xtians who literally believe that 40 days after the revelation of the Torah at Sinai – that Israel worshiped a golden calf! Or the טפש פשט that the T’NaCH teaches ancient history! That said, the rebuke of my mother rings in my ears: “Easier to be a critic than a playwright”.

        What mitzva דאורייתא serves as the יסוד of all Torah חדושים? Answer: Pe’ah. The second tractate of Seder Zeraim of both the Mishnah and the Talmud. This tractate addresses the negative commandment not to harvest the corners of the field. The mitzva to give tzedakah to the poor, widows and orphans. It takes virtually no skill to pick the low hanging fruits from off a tree. But to get the 4 or 5 olives at the top boughs of the tree, far more risky and dangerous. The Book of Ruth addresses the tzedakah of Pe’ah. Hungry folk who glean fields in search of food, their empty stomachs cherish any food found.

        Most Yeshiva bochurim which crossed my path, they lacked this hunger to grasp original depth understands of the Torah. Learning for them compares to a job, they do their time in Yeshiva, they study their competitive commentaries ie pilpul, and then thereafter, they pursue their real life interests. This basic complaint, causes me to favor the argument that Yeshiva bochurim should serve in the Army like as did Rav Nemuraskii.

        Remember when first introduced myself to Rav Nemuraskii and asked him if he would teach me how to learn Talmud. His response totally shocked me. “Why did i want to learn Talmud?” He then added: “Have taught in this Yeshiva for some 25 years, and have met many talmidim, some of whom learn better than I do. Yet come shabbot, these brilliant talmidim do forbidden melachot on shabbot! Come. Sit and learn hilchot Shabbot of the Mishnah Berurah, and afterwards, we’ll discuss how to learn the Talmud.” That’s how Rav Nemuraskii introduced himself to me.


    2. Lucifer himself is back.


  5. Quite interesting development! Worth researching the facts👍


    1. Thank you, Chauhan Sahab. 🙏


  6. A beautiful post thank you so much


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words.


  7. Sorry about Rabbi Kerr finding you through UnWoke but that’s just how evil rolls.


  8. “Rabbi Kerr” AKA Lucifer, Satan, etc.


  9. The 5G technology is the future of communication. It will be a great revolution for us as human beings. The speed and quality of our internet connection will be greatly improved with this new technology. I am very excited to see how it changes our lives in the next few years!


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by.


  10. Your posts are always very good and informative, interesting and helpful. Thanks…


    1. Thank you.


  11. I never knew this was the case with 5G network…..thanks for the information


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